August 2019

Creepy Crawlies are not everyone’s cup of tea but we are pretty confident we can change your mind! Don’t be put off if you don’t feel the love for the bugs, come along, learn a little about their lives and you may just find it in your heart to view them a little differently!

Join the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Education Ranger on a guided search for all kinds of insects and other bugs; discover their incredible super powers, survival techniques and how they really do help us!

From wiggly worms, to burrowing beetles, wacky water-boatmen to marvellous millipedes; who knows what we’ll find and what crazy facts you may discover!

14th August, St. Mary’s – Book Now
16th August, Bryher – Book Now
19th August, St. Martin’s – Book Now
23rd August, Tresco – Book Now