During this time we are asking all our freight customers to order and ship essential items only. These measures have been put in place to protect our employees by minimising the amount of contact they have with delivery drivers and allows us to maintain the essential life-line link.

With this in mind we have put in temporary restrictions to the way we accept freight on Penzance quay:

Freight is strictly essential only.
Please consider when ordering freight if your item is essential before contacting the freight office.
Food, fertilisers, animal feed, essential household equipment (eg replacement fridge or freezer), essential farming equipment are all examples of essential freight
We will still be receiving courier pallets as they sometimes contain medical supplies,
Non-essential items may be refused, so please phone the freight office if you are unsure.
All freight must be booked in with Penzance freight office prior to delivery.
Once freight is booked and confirmed, we request that suppliers fax/email shipping notes to the freight office. All regular suppliers have received this information and are already following these rules.
If you have any questions then please contact our freight office where we will be happy to discuss your requirements.
We will continue to keep this guidance under review to ensure that supplies continues to reach the Islands.

These measures are temporary and have been introduced to reduce the number of delivery interactions on Penzance Quay to protect our employees who are critical in maintaining the life-line link. We thank you for your understanding.