Following last night’s government announcement that the UK is to go into full lockdown, we want to reassure you of the COVID-secure measures that we continue to implement.

Our COVID-secure measures continue to be implemented in line with Government best practice to ensure protection of all our customers and employees. We request that you continue to work with us during this time and ask that you familiarise yourself with the following.

Gry Maritha- Delivering freight to and from the Isles of Scilly.
The Gry Maritha will operate as per our published schedule. All freight must be booked in with the freight office, to book please call 01736 334249. Once you have booked your freight you will be allocated a delivery slot and an electronic shipping note will be emailed to you. This must be returned by email as the public are not permitted to enter the freight office during lockdown, this is primarily to protect you, our customers, our staff and the lifeline link to the islands, ensuring that we continue to deliver for Scilly.

Travelling to and from the Islands
During the current national lockdown, all passengers travelling to and from the Isles of Scilly will be asked to confirm that their reason for travel is in compliance with current Government restrictions. We will make passengers aware that the police may carry out compliance checks at both Land’s End Airport and St Mary’s Airport.

The government has issued the following instructions regarding travel:
You must not leave your home unless you have a reasonable excuse (for example, for work or education purposes). If you need to travel you should stay local – meaning avoiding travelling outside of your village, town or the part of a city where you live – and look to reduce the number of journeys you make overall. The list of reasons you can leave your home and area include, but are not limited to:
• Work, where you cannot reasonably work from home.
• Accessing education and for caring responsibilities.
• Visiting those in your support bubble – or your childcare bubble for childcare.
• Visiting hospital, GP and other medical appointments or visits where you have had an accident or are concerned about your health.
• Buying goods or services that you need, but this should be within your local area wherever possible.
• Outdoor exercise. This should be done locally wherever possible, but you can travel a short distance within your area to do so if necessary (for example, to access an open space).
• Attending the care and exercise of an animal, or veterinary services.

Those passengers who are able to travel in accordance with the UK Government guidance can book online. For updates, information and our COVID Promise please visit the following link: